About Citing These Pages as A Source

PRIMARY SOURCE materials are letters, diaries, manuscripts, trial transcripts, photographs, eyewitness accounts, etc.

SECONDARY SOURCE materials are books, newspaper articles, microfilm, documentary video, etc.

TERTIARY SOURCE materials are student essays, webpages, gossip, pulp magazine articles, etc.

This webpage is a tertiary source, compiled from secondary sources, as noted below. Citing this page as a source lacks credibility, frankly; if You want to impress your professor, I suggest you refer to secondary or primary sources. Some good ones are listed below. I do not broadcast my full name because of the controversial nature of some of my material. This page is my own report, and my sources are listed below. It was made as a pointer for those interested in doing deeper research from microfilmed newspapers, and books, to hopefully glean a deeper understanding of this interesting bit of history.

To cite this page as a source, please credit: Borndigital, Curator, and provide the url of the page in question. The materials used these exhibits consists of direct quotes and image scans, used without permission or profit.

These pages were first mounted in 1995. They began as prototypes for alternative web-presentation format, and evolved into an historical/political exhibits. Also, if they seem a little dated, it's because most of them have been untouched since last century... Other essays on the site not mentioned here have their sources cited on the pages themselves.


Scopes Monkey Trial:

"Clarence Darrow for the Defense," a biography by Irving Stone, Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, 1941

"Prejudices, 5th Series," H. L. Mencken. New York, A. A. Knopf - 1926.

The New York Times, July 10 through 25th, 1925

Torture Pages:

"The Inquisition" by A. Hyatt Verrill, D. Appleton and Company, New York, London, 1931), pp. 138-148

"Inquisition- A Bilingual Guide to the exhibition of Torture Instruments presented in various European Cities-by Robert Held- Qua d'Arno, Publisers/Editorial, Florence, Italy, 1985

Woodcut from the Schweizerchronik of Hans Stumpf, Lucerne, 1548

"Trewlicher Bericht eynes scrocklichen Kindermords beym Hexensabath...(etc.) a newsletter in 8vo, Hamburg, 12th June 1607.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's 'Gulag Archipelago,' 1973.

Howard S. Levy: Chinese Footibinding: The History of a Curious Erotic Custom:

Journey into Madness (by Thomas Gordon, Bantam Books, New York, 1989) [Dr. Cameron's LSD experiments]

Marijuana Prohibition:

The Emporor Wears no Clothes by Jack Herer

Rye Ergotism:

The day of St Anthony's Fire John Grant Fuller, New York: Macmillan, 1968.


Bible Contradictions
Lyall Watson's Lifetide - The Origins Of Life On earth
Fundamentalist's Flat Earth
Debunking Fundamentalism
The Spanish Inquisition
The Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians
Saul of Tarsus, Cults of Mithras, and Christ's Blood