Just Relaxed and Paying Attention

Lysergic acid diethylamide occurs naturally in ergot mold that forms on rye flour under certain conditions, and as recently as 1951 such flour has found its way into the bread supply of an entire village, in southern France.

In the 40's, LSD was isolated in a laboratory by Swiss chemist Albert Hofman. Its arrival has awakened new consciousness on our planet.

LSD produces an effect similar to the plant psychedelics, except that it is steadier, without the more organic 'lumpiness' that can come with naturals, psylocybin especially. Its effects (when it's clean) are consistent thoughout the experience, without a lot of changes in the dynamic.

There is no ambiguity with pure LSD...

The experience is undescribable, really, either you know it or you don't. The closest one can get is to say that one feels connected to the entire cosmos -- or that one can feel the ridges of the fingerprints like boulders when rubbing thumb and forefinger. In the forest or jungle one can feel the roots moving under the ground, and the leaves creaking as they unfold. The underlying molecular structure is revealed, the 'plan' behind everything is clear.

During peak episodes, the entire material matrix gives way and the whole consciousness is permeated with white light and utter joy. One feels immersed in an infinite sea of compassionate, knowing love and forgiveness and mercy, protected, fulfilled. The universe is seen as composed entirely of white light, center everywhere, circumference nowhere.

Like anything else, abuse weakens the positive effects. LSD is not to be done lightly, without considering the set and setting for the experience. Excessive use has damaged people, and is dangerously draining physically. Organic psychedelics have been used ritually as sacrements for millennia, and our modern, synthetic versions deserve the same respectful treatment. Psychedelic burnout is not something to aspire to.

The synthetic vs. organic conflict becomes pronounced in the arena of psychedelic medicine vs. corporate medicine.

The Natural World:
The Organic - Synthetic Battle

The Mushroom Goddess & Ganja
Marijuana Prohibition
Medical Marijuana
Dreams and Morphogenesis

Citing Sources from Borndigital