Orrin Hatch on Marijuana

Orrin Hatch's Home Page

In a preface to the pamphlet "How Parents Can Help Children Live Marijuana Free," Utah Senator Orrin Hatch writes that our "morally depraved society...has chosen to embrace, rather than attack, this plague." The pamphlet - written by University of Utah criminologist Gerald Smith - goes on to list warning signs for parents of children who may be using marijuana: A teen who "avoids the family while at home" may be at risk; watch out too, for "excessive preoccupation with social causes, race relations, environmental issues, etc."
From Valerie Mass at the Denver Post - October, 1998

Orrin Hatch's Home Page
The Natural World:
The Organic - Synthetic Battle

The Mushroom Goddess & Ganja
Marijuana Prohibition
Medical Marijuana
Dreams and Morphogenesis